Chocolate and hazelnut kisses

Hi bakers, Saint Valentine’s day is getting closer and closer and maybe you’ve wondered what you could give as a present to the loved ones in your life. Luckly I have the perfect thing to suggest you. These easy and quick chocolate kisses were invented in the first decades of the last century by a famous Italian woman, Luisa Spagnoli, who used to sell them wrapped up with a love message. These chocolates became so […]

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Baci di cioccolato e nocciole

Cari lettori, se non avete ancora pensato a cosa regalare a San Valentino oppure ci avete pensato e proprio non vi viene in mente nulla, la risposta in entrambi i casi ve la do io! Giusto la settimana scorsa ho visto in tv una serie a due puntate sulla vita di Luisa Spagnoli, imprenditrice di inizio Novecento e inventrice del noto cioccolatino a base di nocciole e da lì la voglia di provare a farli […]

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Italian vanilla and lemon frittelle

Hi bakers! In Italy, on this period of the year, we do celebrate Carnival, a crazy festivity which looks a bit like Halloween with the only difference that Carnival lasts days! Children wear funny and colourful costumes and masks, people gather outside to attend stunning parades with floats both representing cartoon characters and satirical giant-sized mock-ups of polititians. On Carnival we stick to a traditional and reliable sweet treats’ menu too and this recipe is […]

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