La granola è un mix di cereali croccanti e frutta secca, molto diffuso in Gran Bretagna e molto simile al nostro muesli ed è perfetta da consumare a colazione o per una merenda sana ed equilibrata. L’avena è l’ingrediente principale, un cereale ricco di fibre, vitamine e utilissimo perché capace di ridurre il colesterolo cattivo. Le proprietà nutrizionali e dimagranti di questo alimento sono sorprendenti, diciamo pure che l’avena è una vera e propria iniezione […]
Chocolate and hazelnut kisses
Hi bakers, Saint Valentine’s day is getting closer and closer and maybe you’ve wondered what you could give as a present to the loved ones in your life. Luckly I have the perfect thing to suggest you. These easy and quick chocolate kisses were invented in the first decades of the last century by a famous Italian woman, Luisa Spagnoli, who used to sell them wrapped up with a love message. These chocolates became so […]
Chocolate chip nutella cookies (English version)
Dear readers, I love cookies and everything else coming out of an American bakery! If you’re not afraid of calories, you’re ready for this ultimate chocolaty gooyness! I found this recipe, searching the net and the only thing I can say is that I’ve fallen in love with it, ever since I tried it. Chocolate chip cookies are gorgeous and than I thought….what if I filled them with nutella? The result? A match made in […]