Tear ‘n’ share savoury bread

Happy New Year to all of you!!!:) Today’s recipe is something absolutely gorgeous; a super soft and fluffy milk bread, perfect for any occasion. You just have to arrange small buns one next to each other in a large cake tin; once baked through your guests will only have to tear their own piece up and enjoy it. I served this to my family on New Year’s Eve and they have been delighted. I love […]

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Danubio salato

Cari lettori, Buon 2016!!!!:) Negli ultimi mesi ho scoperto un nuovo mondo, quello dei lievitati. Cosa ci sarà mai di cosi’ diverso dal mondo della cucina e della pasticceria, direte voi? Beh, preparare una torta o dei biscotti richiede passione e attenzione ma preparare il pane o un lievitato dolce è un’altra cosa. Il lievito di birra richiede cura, dedizione e anche una certa dose di esperienza. Occorrono tempo e pazienza per preparare un buon […]

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Chocolate and orange yule log

Dear readers, even though Christmas has already gone, I want to share with you the recipe of this amazing chocolate swiss roll, which can be served on New Year’s Eve as the perfect holidays’ pudding. This version, in particular, is made by a dairy-free cocoa and rhum sponge, a light orange-flavoured mascarpone mousse and the whole thing is enriched by the silky chocolate ganache on top, should I say something else?:) I really hope you’ll […]

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